Thank you for participating in The Ultimate Pinterest Party!
Please share this party with your blogger friends!! If you would like to receive an email reminding you to link up, you can sign up HERE.
- DIY Ironing Board & Iron Holder from Handmade Weekly was a pin from week 254. It has had 437K views, 4.7K saves, and 840 clicks to website in the past month.
- From 2 weeks ago, Best FITTING Face Mask With Size Calculations For Custom Fit from Hello Sewing had 49 saves last week alone and 65 saves in the past 2 weeks.
- Fabric Bookmarks from Home Crafts by Ali, Bath Mitt with Soap Pocket from Beginner Sewing Projects, and Quick to Sew Pencil Holder from Easy Felt Crafts all had the most saves from last week's party.
- DIY Beeswax Lotion Bars from Kiku Corner
- Herb Roasted Artichokes with Creamy Dip from That Recipe
- How to Hang Outdoor Sheer Curtains from South House Designs
- Rule #1: Link up only 2 non-alcoholic PINS (not blog posts. Pins that are duplicates from a previous week will not be repinned.)
- Rule #2: Do NOT re-pin from the linky below.
- Rule #3: You must commit to re-pinning from WEEK 301, THE ULTIMATE PINTEREST PARTY on SATURDAY or SUNDAY. (Re-pin from the pins that say "The Ultimate Party, Week 301 pins.")
- Rule #4: Please only link up your own original pins that contain your images to this party. Do not link up pictures of other bloggers that you may have included in a round-up. Your collage of pictures for a round-up would be fine.
- Rule #5: Please do not link up sale posts from your blog or sale posts that go to Etsy or Ebay --only pins that go to actual blog posts on your blog. Thank you.
Details to Observe:
- Before you link up the pin, click on the pin and make sure it takes you to your post, not your home page.
- Linking up to this party gives the hosts permission to use a picture and a link to your post if they feature your post on their blogs or social media.
- Creative K Kids is not responsible for stolen images or the mis-use by others who have found your image through
Thanks for making this party such a success!!
PLEASE SHARE! You can share on all the social medias (facebook, google+, etc.) but here is a Twitter button to make it easy!NOW LET'S GET TO OUR PARTY!
- Follow your hosts on Pinterest. (Click "Follow All" and then go back and unfollow individual boards if you don't want to see some of our pins):
Tammy from Creative K Kids -- Click HERE to follow on Pinterest.
Ali from Home Crafts by Ali -- Click HERE to follow on Pinterest.
- We will have all the pins pinned by 8 am Eastern time Saturday morning.
- Please re-pin sometime on Saturday or Sunday. If you know that you do not have the time to re-pin pins, then DO NOT LINK UP!
- I can decide to not pin a pin if it goes against my beliefs or against the rules of this party.
- Please grab the button to help bring awareness to this party. Put on your party page, sidebar, or post!
Please sign up HERE to receive emails about the party being open on Friday morning! An email will also be sent on Saturday morning to remind you to repin a few links!
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