Book & A Cuppa Swap Reveal

book cup swap mixed media handbook hot cocoa blogger

A few weeks ago I signed up for the Chaotic Goddess Book & a Cuppa Swap. I was paired up with another book loving blogger named Wendy. Wendy blogs at A Day in the Life on the Farm where she shares recipes, weekly menu plans, book reviews, and fun food match-ups with movies and books.

Wendy and I emailed a few times to get to know each other and shared our wish lists on Goodreads and what type of books we like to read. We both like historical fiction and cookbooks, as well as many other types of books. It was fun to see the items she had on her list

*** This post contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase the linked items, a small portion will come to me to help in the upkeep of this blog. ***

I was quite excited to get my box from Wendy to see what she sent to me.

book cup swap mixed media handbook hot cocoa blogger

Wendy sent me the book Mixed Media Handbook, a nice card, a mason jar cup, and homemade hot cocoa mix. I've spent my day flipping through the pages of my book and writing down ideas of new projects I want to work on. I love the mason jar cup and think it will be perfect in winter for hot drinks and wonderful in summer for lemonade!

It was nice to connect with a new blogger, see her fun website, and find someone else who loves books. I'm looking forward to the next swap that Chaotic Goddess sets up! You can see the other swaps at this link.
Book & a Cuppa Swap at Chaotic Goddess Swaps


  1. I am so glad you liked your package Ali. It was a pleasure getting to know you.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtfulness Wendy. =)

  2. Oh wow...that is such a nice book...I might have to purchase that one myself. The cocoa is very cool.

    1. Homemade cocoa is so much better than store bought! The book is amazing!

  3. What a unique mug!! That book looks really interesting too!!

    1. The mug has already been in use this past weekend when it snowed. =)

  4. Hello! I'm linking from CG Swaps. Lovely package of goodies you received! LOVE the book. I'm an artist, and I'm trying to find my voice with art journaling. I'm an oil artist, and unfortunately I can't use oils in journaling, so I feel like a fish out of water! I would love to know your opinion about Mixed Media Handbook.

    Happy reading!
    Ricki Jill

    1. I have really loved using art journaling the past few months to document the happenings, wishes and dreams, and making lists. I'm planning on using this to help me in the layering of items. I will be posting a review of the book in a few weeks after I have used the book to make a few things. Check back then. =)

  5. The mason jar mug with hot cocoa mix is so clever! Yum. Enjoy your goodies!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Diana. I was very lucky to have swap with someone who is so thoughtful.

  6. I think the best part of the swaps are getting to know new people. Your package looks great!

    1. I'd agree with you Jolene. I can't wait for the next swap I join!

  7. Ooh! The Mixed Media Handbook looks interesting! That's one craft that I love how it looks, but have never given it a try myself!

    1. Kaylee, I have wanted this book for a while. I have loved the look of mixed media, but have only tried 2 small projects. I am looking forward to using the book as a great resource for how to create these projects.

  8. How fun that she made you cocoa! And how lovely to have an inspiring book. Yay for DIY!

  9. Terrific, I hope you enjoy it!


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