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Monthly Blog Check-in & Goals - Month 11

Can you believe that November is over already? Since the month is over, it's time for me to post my monthly check-in and goals update. I'm excited to share some of the ways I helped my pageviews and social media grow.

November was an exciting month here on my blog. I helped promote two giveaways this past month and joined up with two blog hops as well. It was fun to be part of a group of bloggers sharing holiday ideas (one for homemade ornaments and one for holiday recipes).

I had the opportunity to work with Andover Fabrics during the month as well. They had a new fabric line coming out and sent samples to creative bloggers to sew a project and share. It was also part of the giveaway on one of my posts (enter here until 12/14). The fabric they sent was beautiful and I have actually gone to a local quilt shop to buy more of that collection.

I joined the site Tomoson, where you can apply for sponsored post opportunities, and have had the opportunity to receive some free products in exchange for reviewing them on Amazon. I have been lucky to like the products I received and found it easy to leave positive reviews. 

On to monthly statistics and my social media strategies

Social Media
My Pinterest and Instagram followers increased thanks to the giveaways I helped promote. Generally after a giveaway ends you have people that unfollow you, but I haven't seen a decrease in numbers.

One nice development on Pinterest this past month was that my highest repinned item was one of my own pins - a DSLR camera vs cell phone comparison I wrote last spring.. Usually the pin with the most interaction is one about an Octonaut Party.

My strategy for increasing interaction on Pinterest was to pin throughout the day. I spent 3-4 minutes each day checking Pinterest for things I was interested in or I thought the people that follow my page would like. I know a scheduler is easier, but I haven't gotten around to using one from my phone.

On Instagram I have been commenting more often instead of just liking updates that I thought were interesting. Quite a few of the pages I interact with have followed me back and commented on some of my updates. It has been a good way to find other bloggers that focus on crafting, diy projects, and sewing.

I think there were a few factors that increased the pageviews for the month. Not only did the initial visits increase, but there were more people that visited multiple pages while coming to my blog.

1. Being part of the giveaways and promoting them definitely was a factor. Everyone likes the chance to win a gift card or free fabric and DVD's. That pulls them in for an initial visit, but you need to do something to make them stick around. I've thought of adding a slideshow in my sidebar of popular posts. Then if someone visits for a giveaway, they will still have the opportunity to see what my posts are generally about.

2. The two blog hop posts I wrote have been popular. With those, you are able to have the advantage of extra promotion because the host of the blog hop wants it to be successful and shares posts and links too.

3. I don't usually use Yummly very often for the recipes I post on my blog, but this month I decided to add my Sweet Potato Casserole to my recipe box. Within 10 minutes I had over 100 visits. For the month of November, Yummly was my highest referrer to my blog. Over 900 visits to my blog from that one recipe share!

Top Posts

First lets look back at Goals for November
  • Write posts earlier
  • Provide a newsletter weekly (sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar!)
  • Create Thankful Tree
  • Post on Instagram daily what I am grateful for (#30daysofgratitude_2015)
  • Make sure I enjoy holiday time with my family!
  • Make a sale in my shop!
Well, 50% finished. I mostly posted daily on Instagram - I missed a few days because I was sick. Really, I don't think my followers want to see pictures of my pile of tissues.
No sales in my shop yet (or on Etsy). I love the idea of doll blankets, but maybe they aren't as in demand as I wanted to think.
My newsletter has been an every other week happening. Speaking of which, as soon as I'm done with this I'm heading over to write the most recent one!

Goals for December
  • Plan and organize for the new year
  • Find sponsors for a Blogiversary giveaway
  • work on Christmas projects that I can share next year
  • Spend time with family while the girls are out of school
  • Review more books
  • Search for more sponsored post opportunites
  • Have fun creating new projects!
So that is my blog check-in for the month. What has been the best thing about blogging for you the last month? I'd love to cheer you on and share encouragement to my blogging friends. 


  1. Congrats on all of the progress! Love reading your blog :)

    1. Thank you Cara! It makes me happy knowing that people like to visit. =)

  2. Thank you for post this. It has made me realize I need to really set some monthly goals.

    1. It helps me stay accountable to what I'm working toward. Good luck Mary!

  3. Great list and congrats on your progress thus far!

    1. Thank you! Each step forward feels like a big accomplishment.

  4. Yay! I always love your updates and goals. I had thought briefly about the blogisversary. I think we started about the same time.

    1. Thanks for visiting Kim! I think we started at the same time too. Are you doing anything for your blogiversary?

  5. First congrats on the social media growth. I hope those numbers keep getting better for you. On my Nov goals some I crushed and some fell by the wayside. I love your de list I also love how you're planning for next Christmas already. Good luck :)

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. I think that is how goals are for lots of people, sometimes we don't have the time to work on all of them.

  6. Congrats on the pageviews!
    So exciting :)
    Posts like these are always fun to read.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

    1. Thanks for the visit Jenny. I visited your site and liked reading your goals too. When I read others goals I tend to add more to my list. =)

  7. I have been setting goals for my blog as well. So far, so good... I think it is a great idea to set goals and then look back and see what you have accomplished.

    1. Good to hear that you are doing good on your blog goals!

  8. It sounds like you're doing very well for yourself! I was on Tomoson for a long time, but there are a lot of issues with it and now I just can't anymore... And they won't even let me get off the site now, how's that for messed up?

    1. Tomoson does have some issues. I've had one not great experience with a brand, but thankfully was able to back out since they were not being honest. I can't believe Tomoson won't let you leave, that is strange.

  9. Congratulations!! You can make all the goals for December! You can do it. I love the idea of making monthly goals for my blog, I might do it as well.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Elizabeth! It helps me keep track of the blogging path I want to go on. =)


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