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Book Review - Instant Happy Journal

Disclaimer: I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for writing this review.  All thoughts are my own and are not swayed by receiving a free copy of this book.  This post may contain affiliate links.

So often in life, we tend to focus on the not-so-positive things. When I saw this book, Instant Happy Journalby Karen Salmansohn, as one of the options for my monthly reviews on Blogging for Books I decided to order it. I figured that when using this over the year, I would be able to mindfully add happiness to my life. Who couldn't use more happy in their life?

This journal has daily happiness prompters to encourage you to reflect on those things in your day or life that bring joy, love, and happiness.  I think we all get busy in the day to day life and sometimes forget to think about those things. These daily prompts help you focus on the positive, and that can change your whole outlook on life and benefit you in many ways.

Karen says her mission in putting this journal together is: "To help you live your happiest life." (pg 1)  She also says, " will train your  brain to focus on where the most inspiration, gratitude and joy are to be found." (pg 2)

I think that changing our focus to the happy aspects of life and ourselves is something that can benefit every one of us. We will have more joy in our life and want to share that joy with others.

It's not hard to take 5 minutes each day to think of and write about the daily prompts. A few of my favorite have been: "Every time you thought you couldn't keep moving forward, you did. Appreciate Your Strength", "Prioritize your life around kind, passionate people. Name-drop a few and why you adore them", and "The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow".

I would recommend this journal to people who are searching for more joy in daily life, or people who need to change their outlook from negative to positive. I think that these daily happiness prompters could benefit just about everyone!


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