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Blog Buddy Reveal - Becoming A Gilbert

About a month and a half ago, I saw a listing in a facebook blogging group for a sign up for a blog buddy. You would apply, they would set you up with someone you didn't know, then you would get to know each other, encourage each other, become blog buddies, swap sidebar ads, and at the end of the time hopefully find someone that you want to continue being in contact with. The buddy program was hosted by Keeping Up With Ashley and Cody and I can't wait for the next one to start so I can meet another great blogger.

My blog buddy was Sabra from Becoming a Gilbert. Sabra is getting ready to finish college, she has a wonderful blog, she is starting her own photography and design company, she has a cute dog, and totally loves her husband. I have enjoyed reading her blog, texting with her, checking out her Instagram account, and swapping blogs with her.

In September, Sabra guest posted here on my blog and shared her post Homemade Cooking - Date Night Edition. After reading about her fun date night, it made me write out a list of ideas my husband and I could do for date nights.

Sabra blogs about her weekend projects, monthly goals, some of the fun events she goes to, her husband, and her relationship with God.

I wanted to share some of her fun posts with you so you know what to go and check out at her site.

Billion Dinners Challenge - Connect during meal time with your family.  She shares how she is doing this with her husband.

How to Make a Budget You Will Use - Sabra gives detailed instructions for setting a budget, shows how to track spending on a spreadsheet, and has great tips on how to stick with using the budget.

Close to Home & Praying - I think my favorite posts from Sabra are when she shares her personal experiences with her faith.

Hope you enjoy reading these posts on Sabra's blog.


  1. How neat! I love the idea of a blog swap so you can get to know other bloggers and help them reach new audiences. This one sounds really fun and creative. I bet she has some fun ideas for shoots.

    1. It was fun. There is another one starting in January that I am going to sign up for too. Sabra has some great mood boards and photography inspiration boards too.

  2. What a fun idea! I'm going to have to go check out a few of her posts now. Thanks for telling me about a new blogger to follow :)

    1. My pleasure! I love finding new bloggers to follow too. =)


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